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Police Rearrests Suspect Behind Murder of Dariye’s Father

Despite being previously remanded at the Jos correctional centre, Jethro Ngusen, a suspect facing trial for the alleged murder of Dariye Dafwan, father of Sen. Joshua Dariye, a former governor of Plateau state has been rearrested by officers of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF).

In September 2021, Ngusen and other suspects were arrested by the police in connection with the murder of 92-year-old Dafwan.

The deceased was abducted by kidnappers and later murdered despite the payment of N10 million ransom.

Alongside other defendants, Ngusen was remanded pending the conclusion of the trial.

The arrest came after Ngusen was reportedly seen at a bank attempting to withdraw money on July 30.

J. I. Mantu, assistant director of citizens’ rights and law reform at the ministry, said Ngusen was rearrested by police officers at the bank where he went to withdraw money.

The petition, dated August 15, was addressed to the divisional police officer of A division, Plateau state police command.

The ministry said the arrest of Ngusen has “raised concerns about the potential escape, compromise, misuse of privileged or unauthorised activities”.

“The ministry is prosecuting Jethro Ngusen alongside six (6) other defendants in charge no: PLD/J203c/2021 — The People of Plateau State v. Ya’u Saidu Alias Ya’u Kaban & 6ors — for the offences of criminal conspiracy, kidnapping and murder, in the Plateau state high court of justice sitting at West of Mines, Jos before Hon. Justice G. D. Fwomyon,” the petition reads.

“The defendants have all been remanded at the Jos Custodial Centre of the Nigerian Correctional Service pending trial following the order of the honourable Court.

“According to information available to the Ministry, Jethro Ngusen, an inmate remanded in custody of the Jos Correctional Centre was arrested by your officers on the 31st July, 2023 in a bank when he went to withdraw money and the attention of your division was drawn to that fact from the bank, leading to his arrest by your officers.”

The Plateau ministry of justice has submitted a petition expressing concerns about potential escape or compromise due to Ngusen’s arrest, and has requested details on the investigation, evidence, legal proceedings, and the defendant’s whereabouts.

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